Wednesday 30 September 2015

wildlife in southeast asia

So I went to Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (LKCNHM) for my ENV1101 field trip on 19 September. It was my second time at the museum, yet the specimens on display are still as interesting as they were on my first visit to the museum. It is a feast for the eyes with the multitude of animal specimens on display.

Panel showcasing insects that undergo complete metamorphosis

The very first thing that greets visitors is a model of the Rafflesia, a foul-smelling parasitic flower that can be found in Southeast Asia. The next plant model along the 'path' in the museum is the titan arum, another foul-smelling parasitic plant that is found in Sumatra. The displays of frogs, birds, insects, marine animals and mammals mostly contain species of animals that come from Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and even Singapore. A particular trend is followed by the specimens on display in LKCNHM: they mostly come from Southeast Asia.

Model of an inflorescence of titan arum at LKCNHM
LKCNHM showcases only a fraction of Southeast Asia's biodiversity. The sheer amount of different species that can be found in Southeast Asia is both amazing and terrifying at the same time. It is amazing for this region to contain so many different species of animals and that these animal species have found a niche and a home here while coexisting with each other. This diversity then makes Southeast Asia as one of the best areas for conducting research as well as eco-tourism. However, it also means that quite a few species of animals could go extinct globally if environmental destruction is not prevented or curbed. As such, it is vital that measures be put in place to protect the wildlife in the region.

Yet, Southeast Asia is facing a high rate of habitat loss due to deforestation (Sodhi et al., 2010). If the rate of habitat loss does not slow down or stop, many species endemic to Southeast Asia could be threatened and can go extinct. If the loss of habitats stops now, it might be possible for the ecosystem to adapt, and fewer species would be under threat. For species that face a threat of dying out, conservations and species recovery efforts can help to bring the population back to a healthy state.

Conservation projects like Operation Groundswell in Southeast Asia can help improve the situation for the local biodiversity. Along with greater enforcement on anti-deforestation policies, and greater cooperation between various parties, the remaining forests in Southeast Asia can hopefully provide a home for many species of animals.

Sodhi, N.S., Posa, M.R.C., Tien, M.L., Bickford, D., Lian, P.K., Brook, B.W., 2010, 'The state and conservation of Southeast Asian biodiversity', Biodiversity Conservation, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 317-328. Springer database. doi: 10.1007/s10531-009-9607-5

Tuesday 22 September 2015

conservation strategies and action plans

Many conservation policies have been put up by governments and organizations alike in the face of the sixth mass extinction event. One such conservation plan is 'The UK Biodiversity Action Plan', which aims to help endangered species or habitats recover. It was mentioned in a paper, 'Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of conservation: The UK Biodiversity Action Plan' by Laycock, et al. (2009) that more has been spent on helping bird and mammal species to recover, and that the Species Action Plans (SAP) under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan that while the SAPs were generally effective, almost one out of ten of these plans did not manage to meet the target objectives set out.

Reading that more attention was focused on bird and mammal species recovery efforts struck a chord with me. Birds and mammals are what many people can see and interact with every day, and so, they naturally focus their attention on these animals. Zoos often showcase eye-catching and popular animals like tigers, elephants and rhinos. Few insect species are exhibited, and thus, visitors aren't exposed to the variety of insects, amphibians and marine species. Unless one decides to find out information about these lesser known animals by himself or herself, or visit a museum, there are very few campaigns aimed to protect and conserve these species. As a result, other classes of animals are given less attention, even though they could be just as important to the ecosystem.

While it is stated that birds and mammals generally have more important roles in the ecosystem than other animals, I feel that in an effort to conserve biodiversity, more could be done for the other species. Each species has their own value to the environment and failing to help their populations remain at a healthy level could be detrimental as the more important species may be dependent on them for food. In a way, conserving more well-known species can have a ripple effect on populations on their prey, which could include the lesser known species of animals. However, it is also important to raise awareness on the other species so that the public can have a greater understanding of the different roles of different organisms in the environment. This understanding can then drive conservation efforts, making future conservation action plans more effective. The effectiveness of conservation plans also depends on the resources put into realising the plan. If too many resources are allocated for the plan, and the species recovery or conservation results aren't on target, then the resources put into the plan would have been wasted. To prevent wastage of resources, proper analysis have to be made, and conservationists have to ensure that they have sufficient information on the species before they proceed with the physical recovery actions.

All in all, conservation of biodiversity have become more well known as the plight of animals in areas where environment degradation is taking place have been made known to the public. Hopefully, many of the world's animals can continue to live on, and this will not be what the future generations understand of nature.

Scientific paper mentioned:
Laycock, H., Moran, D., Smart, J., Raffaelli, D. & White, P., 2009, 'Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of conservation: The UK Biodiversity Action Plan', Biological Conservation, vol. 142, no. 12, pp. 3120-3127, sciencedirect database. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.08.010

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Does Singapore protect her wildlife?

So I was thinking about how Singapore has more wildlife than one would expect for a small, urbanised island one day, and this question (up there, the title of this post) popped into my mind. I went on to research and find more information about the conservation efforts in Singapore, and the conservation plans and projects we have far exceeded my expectations.

For starters, the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) was launched by National Parks Board (NParks) in 2009. The plan, managed by National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), provides a guideline as to how conservation activities could be carried out in Singapore as well as to promote conservation of plant and animal wildlife on the island. Another action plan - the Nature Conservation Masterplan (NCMP), lay out what Singapore is going to do for biodiversity conservation in the next half of the decade. The NCMP includes biodiversity and wildlife research, community outreach and education, conservation programmes and the development of green areas in Singapore.Under these national policies, plans for recovery of critically endangered species that are native to Singapore have been put in place.

The Singapore Ginger, Zingiber Singapurense, one of the native plants of Singapore
Image by Jana Leong-Škorničková via My Green Space, NParks 

Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) have managed and funded many conservation projects in Singapore. Some projects conducted by WRS are studies on Singapore's pangolins, leopard cats and the Banded Leaf Monkey. Awareness programmes informing the public about the illegal wildlife trade and the harm it is doing to the environment are also carried out by WRS.

A Pangolin
Image via Wikimedia Commons

These environmental policies and programmes, while great, may not be heard or seen by many Singaporeans. Those who have read about these policies can be considered the 'minority', as many Singaporeans are unaware of the wildlife that has made Singapore their home. While this is slowly changing with outreach efforts like guided walks conducted by Naked Hermit Crabs, Herpetological Society of Singapore and even Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) Drongos in nature parks, the people signing up to these events often are caught up in Singapore's nature scene.

Perhaps as more environmental agencies spring up, environmental issues will become better known to the public and better understood. With better understanding, the public is likely to see the significance of biodiversity and of the ecosystem, and hence the importance of conservation even in an area as small as Singapore.

References obtained from:
NParks, "Our National Plan for Conservation",
NParks, "Nature Conservation Masterplan consolidates Singapore's biodiversity conservation efforts", 27 Jun 2015,
NParks, "Nature Conservation Masterplan", 27 Jun 2015,
The Straits Times, "September school holidays: sign up for 'green' environmental events this week", Audrey Tan, published 7 Sep 2015,
Wildlife Reserves Singapore, "Conservation Projects",

Monday 7 September 2015

sharks are fascinating

"Sharks are beautiful animals, and if you're lucky to see lots of them, that means that you're in a healthy ocean. You should be afraid if you are in the ocean and you don't see sharks." - Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer, explorer, author and lecturer

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a shark? 'Fearsome', 'predator', 'sharp teeth', 'strong sense of smell' and 'killer' are most likely to be what's commonly listed. I'd say they are beautiful. Maybe not so much when their mouths are open and their teeth exposed, but there's a certain draw that sharks have. It is quite a pity that sharks are misunderstood by many and seen as vicious human-hunters that should be terminated at first sight.

Shark History
Sharks have existed for hundreds of millions of years, much longer than us humans. From Elegestolepis, one of the world's earliest sharks, to Megalodon to the modern Great White, sharks have been the top predator in the ocean since they appeared. Back then, those ancient sharks had a range of anatomical oddities: Echinochimaera had a snout like that of a rabbit's and had spikes on its back while Scapanorhynchus had a snout that protruded from the top of its head. The Scapanorhynchus bears great similarities to the goblin shark in its appearance. Come to think of it, the modern goblin sharks are a teaser of what prehistoric marine life probably looks like.

Goblin shark image by Dianne Bray / Museum Victoria via Fishes of Australia

Sharks today
There are over 400 species of sharks in the world today. While Megalodon isn't around to terrorise the sea and provide vicious-shark-behaviour fodder to the media, modern sharks are just as dangerous - only to fishes and the occasional human though. Today, sharks can be said to have lost their top position in the marine food chain. Humans are hunting millions of sharks each year to cater to the demand for shark's fin, which is used as a key ingredient in shark's fin soup. The soup, a thick flavourful broth, is considered a delicacy in Chinese cuisine and often served in restaurants and banquets.

Shark's fin soup, mmm or hmm?
While it may seem that shark's fin adds flavours to the soup, it is actually the various other ingredients and condiments used that gives the soup its rich flavour. Perhaps with sustainable shark farming and hunting practices, the world can continue to enjoy this delicacy (without guilt). Meanwhile, I shall live off shark's fin-less soup a.k.a. thick seafood broth.

Some Brief Shark Physiology
Some of you might be thinking now, 'shark physiology? It's so boring. Can we skip to the interesting parts?' Well, I'll pick out the interesting facts about sharks. Besides, they have intriguing body systems - more so than many other animals on Earth, and it's going to be tough to choose and pick out the facts.

For one, many species of sharks have to keep swimming in order to obtain oxygen from the water. You know how fishes can stay stationary for a period of time and still appear to be happy and survive? Most sharks can't do that, as when they swim, the forward movement pushes water through their gills, providing them with oxygen. This process is called ram ventilation. While some shark species can pump water through their gills using their cheeks (buccal breathing), most sharks aren't able to do that. So if you are planning to get a shark aquarium, do remember to buy a big tank for them to swim around in.

Because sharks have to swim constantly to obtain oxygen, it is likely that sharks don't fall asleep. Experts have theorized that sharks 'sleep' or rest in areas with strong currents, while remaining conscious of their surroundings. Sharks that are able to pump water through the gills using their cheeks don't need currents - they can literally rest wherever they want to.

Sharks have great immune systems - they rarely get diseases. This could be due to absence of bone marrows, reducing the time needed for the shark's antibodies to fight off the disease and nip the problem in the bud. And if this isn't enough to make others jealous of their disease-fighting capabilities, sharks have lower rates of cancer than people and animals. One theory is that compounds in shark cartilage can stop angiogenesis by the cancer tumour. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels which, when formed, brings nutrients to the cancer cells in the tumour, allowing the cancer cells to divide and grow. Whatever the cancer-killer is, sharks have it pretty good, in my opinion.

Read more about shark physiology here.

Threats to Sharks and the Need for Conservation
The over-hunting of sharks for their fins have led to a drop in shark populations worldwide. Often, the sharks caught are finned and thrown back into the sea while they are still alive. So, what's the problem of this practice?

To understand the severity of this, we have to know which fins are being cut off. In shark finning, all the shark's fins except the upper caudal fin, which is the upper part of the shark's tail, are cut by the fishermen. This leaves the finned sharks unable to swim. Since sharks need constant movement to breathe, and being unable to swim, a finned shark drowns, starve to death, or gets eaten by other fishes. Kind of ironic for a fish and top predator, don't you think?

Finned sharks that have been discarded. Image by Sebastian Losada, taken from Wikimedia Commons

Other times when sharks are not being finned, they are getting caught in fishing nets that were meant for other species of fishes. The sharks caught by the nets are often finned instead of being let go unharmed. The value of shark's fin give fishermen little incentives to release shark bycatch, and to change their fishing nets to reduce bycatch.

With the decreasing shark population, it is important that conservation efforts are pushed out aggressively. Sharks are at the top of the food chain, and as such often provide a top-down control on the populations of smaller fish in the ecosystem. If the population of sharks drop significantly, the ecosystem's balance would be tipped and fish populations would change - fishermen could be adversely affected by this. In addition, the threat of extinction looms large on sharks, and the extinction of another species of animal on Earth is not something that anybody wants.

The fate of the sharks lie in our hands, and whether we are able to stop our craving for shark's fin - something which studies have shown to contain no nutrition value. Conservation of sharks happen not just because people are doing so for the sake of it, but because there is genuine cause for concern in what's happening in the world today. Swap out your bowl of shark's fin soup for something else, save some sharks today.

Information obtained from:
Prehistoric Sharks, Shark Week in Discovery Channel
Sharkopedia, Discovery Website
Sharks, World Wildlife Fund